The Government announcement on the new actions and capital costs which will available through the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier has included the welcomed publication of a specific payment for the management and restoration of floodplain meadows.
We are pleased to see that our efforts of working with Defra and Natural England means that there is now greater recognition of how floodplain meadows can support and help farmers make positive choices for nature as well as their farm businesses. Labelled as CGS18 the new action is an encouraging step towards reaching the Natural England target of 74,000ha of floodplain meadows in Favourable Conservation Status. More information on the option CSG18 can be found on the Defra website
The option is not yet fully accessible. To manage the roll out there will be limited availability at first with invitation only applications. From 6 January 2025 Natural England will work with farmers and land managers invited to join the new CSHT scheme to develop their applications. Natural England will initially focus on working with customers with agri-environment or mixed agreements expiring in 2025, and applicants who have completed preparatory work, and have approved plans such as an implementation plan. There will be pre-application visits in readiness for the first applications in summer 2025.
It seems that the aim of this controlled rollout is to ensure the first trance receive the necessary support, and any necessary adjustments can be made. We understand the new options through the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier scheme will be fully open for applicants later in 2025. Defra have said they will publish more details in February 2025 on the timing and approach to widening applications further in 2025.
It is vital that the right information and support is in place for farmers and advisors to implement this option successfully. We hope we can continue to work with Natural England and Defra, both as a key source of advice and guidance, and in helping to monitor the implementation of the option, using the research to feedback.
The FMP will be digesting the CGS18 further to understand how it will work separately and in tandem with other payment options for farmers who manage land in the floodplain. We’ll comment more in the new year!
Please do get in touch if either you have been approached, or are aware of anyone who is being invited to apply at this stage to the floodplain meadow option. Also, if you become aware of any conflicts with other options it would be interesting to know. And finally, if you are giving advice to anyone as part of the CS+ on the floodplain meadow option, please do let us know.
The more information we can share, the better established, and successfully delivered on the ground, this new payment for floodplain meadows can be.