North Meadow Bioblitz and Summer Event

Cricklade Court Leet, Natural England and The Floodplain Meadows Partnership are holding a BioBliz on North Meadow National Nature Reserve. The event will be the final part of Cricklade Court Leet’s Heritage Lottery Project.

We aim to record as many species of plants and animals as possible on North Meadow between 18th May and 1st June. During these 2 weeks species specialists will be carrying out surveys but anyone can help by recording what you see.

We will be sharing the findings and hosting a special event on 1st June in Cricklade Town Hall from 10 am to 4 pm. Come and see what has been found, learn about the amazing meadow, enjoy family activities and meet specialists. The Beaver Bus and giant flowers will be on display.

Find out more here. 

Field full of wildflowers
© North Meadow National Nature Reserve