© 'A Precious Resource' by Alice Walker - winner of the FMP 2021 Art amp; Craft Competition - www.alicewalker.co.uk
Join us for this inspiring two-day conference, taking an holistic look at floodplain meadow restoration with plenty of opportunities for networking and sharing best practice. In the historic setting of the Oxford Natural History Museum, we’ll hear practical talks about restoring meadow soils and plants, take a look at measuring success, and identify mechanisms for funding and delivery. And we'll head out to see all this in action at some nearby restoration meadows, which we’ll compare with an excellent example of an ancient meadow as a reference site. We also have an exciting after dinner speaker lined up.
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Outline programme
Day 1
10.30 Session 1: Restoring soils: soil life, compaction, nutrients
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Session 2: Measuring success: assessments and evidence
15.00 Site visit to an ancient meadow and a restoration meadow
19.30 Conference Dinner
After dinner speaker
Day 2
9.30 Site visit to a recent restoration site covering a range of practical aspects
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Session 3: Making things happen: policy, funding, delivery
15.30 Conference Close