Artwork templates

© Lesley Cowley

Artwork templates

We worked with the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the Thames Valley Wildflower Meadow Restoration Project  and an Oxfordshire based Artist (Alice Walker) to run a mix of activities in May 2023 working with community groups, conference delegates and families visiting the Museum to create an art work called ‘Making Meadows’. Find out more about this terrific weaving art work and the other activities we did here.

A range of resources have been developed through this work. These are now available in downloadable form and may be useful tools for family or educational workshops as well as talks and site visits:

And finally - Be prepared for twists and turns and try not to have too many set ideas about how things should turn out!. Find some fabulous artwork or see some of the meadow art projects we have been invovled in, by following the links.

Discover - meadow art Meadow art projects